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pay it forward… The Liebster Blog Award

awww …. gee…. schucks ….I got nominated for an award.  honestly, it made me blush, drew a goofy smile across my sleepy face this morning and tbh ( to be honest, in preteen lingo) it made my day! Now, I don’t know about you but personally I don’t write this blog for any type of recognition, to flog my wares, to advertise a business in any way, shape or form. Not that there is anything wrong with that, each to their own I like to say. It certainly is a wicked good way to reach the masses if that is your intention. For me though, just pressing  that publish button is a simple buzz in itself . Sending a little piece of me out there and seeing who “talks” back is kinda trippy. It is the invisible but tangible connection between minds and eyes, spanning the distance over land and sea,cultures and countries. Who is out there anyway?. Loads of inspiring, positive, funny, creative people. This blogging platform basically shrinks the world which I think is pretty cool. It is armchair travelling at its finest.

Ok,so the award now. It is called The Liebster Award.A very nice recognition to bloggers who have 200 followers or less.The way it works you ask? Some one nominates you and up to 10 others, in my case it was Diaryofahouseelf here on wordpress. Check her She is smart, funny, and always has something visually beautiful to look at or a wise tid~ bit or two. Thank you Sarah! Also, there are a set of questions to answer, 5 to 10 random facts about yourself and then in turn ask your nominees. After that you nominate up 11 more Lieblings. Get it? Good! So, just like Sarah I am going to break the rules…I hate rules.Anyone who knows me knows that is the way I like to roll. I will answer a mix of 5 questions about myself and then nominate my 5 bloggers.

Here goes~  5 random facts

  1. I play classical piano or should say I can.My piano is currently living in our garage. :0/
  2. I used to be a strict vegetarian until I was pregnant with my 2nd boy and found myself sneaking through the McDonalds’ drive thru for those yummy little cheeseburgers. This kid tells me on a constant basis he is a carnivore. Hates veg. For real. Think there could be a connection here? LOL!
  3. the smell of horse barns and the ocean are my favourite scents in the world.
  4. I am currently missing a tooth. Yep, one of the front ones. Which makes me feel like I look and feel a bit homeless.
  5. I nap almost every day. Its awesome…everyone should.

Questions from diaryofahouseelf~

  1. Who/what do you want to be “when you grow up”? ~ I want to be someone that is healthy and happy, someone my family is proud to say “that’s my MOM!
  2. What one thing would make your life better?~ getting a replacement tooth! ha!
  3. What one quote best resonates with you?~ it is from Roald Dahl…”if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”
  4. What one living person – that you don’t know personally – inspires you?~ that’s a hard one….there are so many, I am going to say all those people who  tirelessly volunteer and dedicate their lives to helping other people who are sick,down on their luck or just less fortunate .
  5. If you could spend one entire day how you wanted, what would you do?~ easy, fly to Paris for the day! ooh la la……

Time to pay it forward Image

… nominees are~

1-  feckthisshit ~ a self described Irish man boy who makes me laugh out loud. LOVE this blog.

2-  photoboothjournal~ an amusing peek into photobooths. very cool

3-  coffee&couch~ musings of a caffeine addicted girl and her this too!

4-  hazyshadesofme~ a collection of short stories written by an aspiring writer! check it out!

5-  roadsonherface~ another blog of stories that are captivating. they completely draw me in.

My questions for them~

1-If you could for one day be the opposite sex, what would you do?

2-What is your favourite book of all time?

3-What is the one thing you least love about yourself and the one thing you most love about yourself?

4-IF you won ALOT of money, how would you use it?

5-Sadly, b/c we all die….cremated, buried or burned? Your choice is….?

9 replies »

  1. Hey,
    Congrats on the nomination and thanks for nominating me too! How does it work? Do I have to create a post, answer your five questions above and then nominate five others?

    Thanks again,


  2. My pleasure Manboy!!!! . More people should be reading your blog. So, all you have to do is create a post, answer the questions on my post, nominate five others and create a set of questions for them to answer. Also a few random thoughts about you. Thats it.

  3. No surprise here that people notice your blog. Your posts are always thoughtful and your photography is inspiring. You have that eye for making the ordinary extraordinary. Proud of ya. Love ya.


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